After completing this lesson, learners should be able to:
Organise script parameters in the code such that can be easliy adapted
Create dialog boxes for fetching script parameters
Scripts typically have parameters that one would like to change while leaving the core of the code untouched. Examples for such changable parameteres are the input image file and image processing parameters such as filter sizes and thresholds. It is very important to learn how to “expose” such parameters in ways that do not require digging into and modifying the actual code too much.
Concept map
graph TD
S("Script") ---|has| P("Parameters")
CB("Code block") --> P
UI("UI elements") --> P
CF("Config file") --> P
A("Script arguments") --> P
Schematic code examples for how parameters may be stored inside or passed from outside to a script.
Exposing script parameters
Open a script and carefully examine whether it contains parameters.
Modify the script to implement different options for exposing these parameters (e.g, show in above figure and concept map).
Interactive ROI placement
Develop a script to interactively fetch a ROI drawn by the user and use it for a measurement.
Generally, what could be the pros and cons (considerations) of the different ways (see figure and concept map) in which scripting parameters can be handled?
Specifically, what are the pros and cons of using UI elements for fetching parameters?
This is a complex topic. Considerations could be: (i) How can I keep track which images were analyzed with which parameters? (ii) How can I ensure that users of my script use valid parameters? (iii) How experienced are the users of my script (e.g. would they be able to modify the script itself)? (iv) If the script itself is modified when changing a parameter, how do I keep track of the different “versions” of the script?
Pro: UI elements typically allow you to restrict the input values to a valid range and it makes your script easy to use for people without programming experience. Con: Every time you want to run the script you have to interact with the UI and, unless you implement something special, you don’t keep track which parameters were used to run the script.